
Video From Any SourceAdd videos from any website which allows sharing and embedding. Just add the URL
Web Pages
Twitter Posts
Facebook Posts
Overlay Effects
Advertising Banners
GIF Animation Search
Ticker Highlight
Set Picture-In-Picture

This tool is primarily a desktop interface due to screen space usage.

Easily create multiple playlists of videos from any source which allows embedding, including Youtube, Vimeo, DailyMotion, Rumble, Twitch, Facebook, CNN, Time, and so many more. All you need is the URL.

Add web pages, Twitters posts, Facebook posts and simply select it in the play list to load onto the stage.

Overlay title and description text element per video and set display time or leave on always. Add "breaking" scrolling ticker on the fly to highlight what's next and keep viewers interested and retained. Deliver thrilling shows with the telestrator, multiple visual filters, sound effects and emoji animations, all by quick click of buttons.

Disable the video player to show the OBS stage for live camera capture and still be able to use the telestrator and all the animated emojis.

The Show Manager tool is sourced from a web server and retains user settings in a database. Video sources are served via HTTP so local files on the user's broadcast computer can be used if a server application such as free XAMPP/MAMPP or NodeJS is installed.

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This is one-time donation ware for infinite access. There is no usage restriction and no additional cost.

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Users 8906

Compatible With These Broadcast Apps

Browser Source Configuration Guide

1. Add Browser Source
Click the plus icon at the bottom of the Sources dock panel of a scene
2. Set Source Properties
Add the URL https://showmanager.live
Set the width to 1280 and height to 1200
3. Open Transform Edit Window
Right click on the browser source for the showmanager and open the transform editor. You can also use the shortcut key Ctrl+E
4. Set Transform Values
  • Size: 1920 x 1800
  • Positional alignment: Top Left
  • Bounding Box Type: No bounds
  • Crop bottom: 480
Though crop is not required for full screen display, it assures blocking out the show manager controls from public display in case the source object is moved on the stage.
5. Open Browser Window
With the browser source selected in the sources list, look below the stage for the button labeled Interact and click to open the browser window.
6. Login to account
Enter the email and password to login
7. Manage Show
Now make the greatest show happen


must be valid full email address


Emuzement Net Inc.
Tampa, FL